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Dulwich International
Model United Nations

World Health Assembly

The World Health Assembly focuses on promoting health worldwide.

The topics for this committee are:





  It gives me great pleasure to announce myself as the Chair of the World Health Association this year at DIMUN. I hope to be an equitable and capable leader because of my dedication to encouraging thoughtful discussion and teamwork.


  In my capacity as your chair, I hope to foster a lively, welcoming atmosphere that inspires delegates to demonstrate their diplomatic prowess. I think that different viewpoints may lead to creative answers to the world's problems. I hope to steer our conversations toward significant conclusions by providing thoughtful moderation and helpful criticism. Let's set off on a diplomatic, cooperative, and mutually educational adventure together.


  Lastly, I hope for all delegates to be charging at them like a bull- because that's how we grow as people, so please don't give up if your resolution doesn't pass or you don't get an award.





Yoon See Seon

Welcome delegates!


My name is Yoon See Seo. I am currently a junior attending the International School of Tianjin.

It is a great honor for me to serve as a Co-Chair for the DIMUN XI conference this year. 


WHA is a committee where delegates are required to understand the current global issue and make admirable resolutions. Furthermore, we will be focusing on the idea of “Health for All” which is also the theme of 2024 World Health. It is essential for all delegates to understand the issue of world health and make possible solutions to it. Thus, delegates are free to agree or oppose by making speeches, amendments, and POIs. I want all delegates to not be afraid of making public speeches but instead be fully prepared for the debate. 


I have a strong sense that DIMUN XI would be the most memorable MUN because this is my first experience as a chair. Therefore, I hope all delegates step out and participate actively in the debate. I cannot wait to see you at the conference!


See you all soon!

WHA Resolutions

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© 2022 Dulwich International Model United Nations

Current Design by Anthony Qi, Konstantin Moll

Created by Pei-Jen Chen, Audrey Wen, and Diana Tsang

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